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Bayou Bend Health System Mammography Program was granted Accreditation by the American College of Radiology’s Committee on Mammography Accreditation for the three (3) year period of April 2021 through August 2024. Accreditation is granted when a facility has met all the testing criteria established by ACR including 1) clinical imaging, 2) phantom image quality, and 3) average glandular dose.

Every Year in the United States:

  • 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer
  • 40,000 women die from the disease every year
  • Breast cancer will be detected once in every 200-250 asymptomatic women being screened.

Mammography is the single most effective method of screening for breast cancer and 20-40 percent of early-stage breast cancers go undetected at the time of the screening. Mammography is a type of breast imaging that uses a low dose of x-rays to examine the breast for abnormalities. If breast abnormalities are located early, physicians have a better chance of successfully treating cancer. Therefore, mammography plays a vital role in the detection of breast cancer, sometimes showing changes in breasts up to two years before patients or physicians can detect them.

Importance of Breast Screenings

Women are encouraged to perform monthly, self-breast exams beginning at age 20. Clinical breast exams should be conducted by a health professional once every two to three years, beginning at age 20. At age 40, women should begin having annual mammograms. If an individual has a family history of breast cancer, and/or experiences a lump, pain, or discharge in the breast area, mammograms should be performed earlier than age 40. Early detection of breast cancer can be treated successfully.

Preparing for a Mammogram

The American Cancer Society recommends the following tips for mammograms:

  • Do not schedule a mammogram for the week before the menstrual cycle begins because the breasts are usually tender during this time; the best time is a week after a period.
  •  The physician should be notified if the patient thinks she could be pregnant.
  • Do not wear deodorant, powder, or lotion before the procedure in order to prevent inaccurate readings of calcium spots.
  • Breast problems or symptoms should be explained to the mammogram technologist.
  • Ask when results will be available- do not presume not hearing from a physician means results are normal.

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